Jun 11, 2012

Monday Music Break - Aku Pema

Sorry for the unintended blogging hiatus there.  I had a migraine for most of last week, and it really took it out of me.

This week's music break is a recording of a popular Tibetan song, "Aku Pema," performed by Rigzen Dolma and Greg Howard.  I'm feeling very connected to the animal spirits right now, so a gorgeous song that sings about them seemed appropriate.

I also wanted to share this song in light of the news that China has closed Tibet to foreign tourism as a means of further repressing Tibetan culture and punishing Tibetans for the recent protests (including two recent cases of self-immolation).  So screw the Chinese government - today I celebrate Tibetan music!

Here's the English translation of the lyrics, from Wikipedia:

Oh Uncle Pema!
Oh mighty Eagle adorned with a conch-white stripe!
If you soar up heavenwards, you adorn the azure sky,
If you descend earthwards, you gladden the craggy mountains.
And, your absence makes the craggy ledges bereft of any life!
Oh Uncle Pema!
Duck with the golden rosary
If you fly out of the water, you adorn the meadows,
If you swim in the water, you gladden the water's spirits
And, your absence makes the lake bereft of life and spirit!
Oh Uncle Pema!
Oh handsome Youth, adorned with conch-white teeth like a tiger!
If you go away, you are a credit to your fellow townsfolk, and
If you come this way, you are a star amongst your peers.
And, your absence makes my heart bereft of love and meaning!

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