Mar 4, 2019

John Oliver is very wrong about psychics and mediums

By now you've probably all seen John Oliver's segment on psychics on Last Week Tonight - if you haven't, you can watch it here. In short, it was appallingly offensive. He took some really broad strokes about psychics, and instead of just focusing on the problematic frauds, he decided that all psychics and mediums are fakers and con-artists.

How about no? Where do I start with how awful this segment was?
1) Although he lumps them together, psychics and mediums are two different things: psychics predict the future, mediums communicate with the dead. Some people have both gifts, but not always.
2) How DARE he pick on Tyler (the "Hollywood Medium"). He's a KID for godsakes. Shame on John. Pick on adults all you want, but Tyler is still a teenager and that was really low. It's also important to note that the show claims Tyler researches his clients ahead of time, but this is wrong. If anyone working at Last Week Tonight had even bothered to watch an episode or two of Hollywood Medium, they would know that Tyler knows nothing (not even a name) about the people he reads for beforehand, to help prevent bias.
3) So many people love to hate on psychics and mediums, but the minute they want to know whether their boyfriend is cheating on them or whether their deceased grandma is happy, they come running to us for a reading. But if thy get a reading they don't like, they start screaming about frauds. It's so hypocritical it's stunning.
4) Psychics and mediums are not omniscient. We are not a god, we don't see all or know all, and to imply otherwise is naive and petulant as all hell. Like everybody else on this planet, we cannot know everything and be right about everything 100% of the time. We only see/hear/understand what Spirit allows us to see/hear/understand (this is what I believe; others may feel differently about receiving information). And then we do our best to comprehend what has been conveyed to us and pass along the information to the querent.

5) Did he even talk to a psychic or medium before writing this segment? Obviously not, because it really shows.
Since he and his staff are clearly incapable of writing a balanced segment on something they don't understand and don't want to understand, John should stick to political and economic commentary.
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