Jun 30, 2012

June was filled with beer, penguins... and a sharktopus.

chicken quesadillas


Sharktopus at Artomatic, by Suzannah Ellermore gorgeous art at Artomatic
I went to Artomatic a few weeks ago and saw a bunch of really awesome art.  Several of my friends and friends-of-friends were exhibiting their work, including Angela Raincatcher and my good friend Jess.  Also, there was a stuffed sharktopus on the 2nd floor.  It was amazing.

EDIT: Shannon reminded me that the sharktopus is by an artist named Suzannah Eller, who is awesome.

strawberry cake

One of my coworkers had a big milestone at work and we celebrated with yummy cake.  Unfortunately, the art of spelling seems to have been lost on the cake decorator.  A candidate for cakewrecks perhaps?
Silver Spring penguin

me and the Silver Spring penguin

We had some wild storms in Maryland last night!  There were winds in the 60+ mph range, and the rain was pouring down in sheets.  Our power kicked off twice, but it came back on after a minute or two.  And now Montgomery and Prince George's counties are on mandatory water restriction until WSSC can restore power to all of its pump stations and get the system fully charged again.  How did you fare?  Did you lose power?


  1. Congrats and thanks! Now I'm hungry! ;) That storm was pretty bad. Looks like ya'll got hit harder than we did. Hope you're recovering now.

    1. You should see the size of the branch that fell down in our back driveway. I am soooo glad I didn't park there the other night!


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